Call for Papers:“Reformatting the World: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Technology and the Humanities”
Call for Papers:“Reformatting the World: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Technology and the Humanities” at York University. Conference info: YorkU Humanities Graduate Conference, February 23-24, 2018 . The Graduate Program in Humanities and the Humanities Graduate Student Association (HuGSA) at York University are pleased to announce an interdisciplinary conference interrogating the critical role of technology, both past and present, in shaping human culture and society. Technology, in the broadest sense, has enriched our lives by opening up new vistas of knowledge about ourselves (or our selves) and the natural world. Digital technologies, for example, have made possible new, highly-advanced forms of social organization. They have also revolutionized almost every aspect of our lives, from travel, communication, entertainment, culture and the arts to food, medicine, education, politics, and science. However, technology is also associated with the rise of technical ...