Call for Papers: New Biopolitics: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference
New Biopolitics: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Saturday, February 24, 2018 Keynote Speaker: Kyla Wazana Tompkins, Pomona College Conference Information, from Georgetown: Michel Foucault defines biopolitics as “this very specific, albeit very complex, power that has the population as its target, political economy as its major form of knowledge and apparatuses of security [or dispositifs] as its essential technical instrument.” Timothy Campbell and Adam Sitze, in turn, describe the “biopolitical turn” as “a proliferation of studies, claiming Foucault as an inspiration, on the relations between ‘life’ and ‘politics.’” As scholars have further engaged with and complicated the concept of biopolitics, new trends have emerged from its lineage – from necropolitics to the global proliferations of surveillance to biomanufacturing. To revisit and expand conceptions of biopolitics, the English Graduate...